You say she’s high centiles… I would check because my 6 month old is roughly the same height and weight. You’re better off sticking with her infant carrier until she grows out of that for now
I just got this one for my 11 month olds. Forward faces and rear faces, spins and converts to child seats. Pricey but will last them a long time I hope
She’s 25th for weight and 50th for height so the likes of a Britax dualfix/swingfix m plus x
@Kyrie she just seems quite tall for her age
@Kiera thank you! x
@Laura thanks, I’ll check it out
@Cerise her weight is between 9th and 25th centile and height is between 25th and 50th
Elevate is awful, I wouldn’t let me my cat sit in it. It’s also forward facing only, so not safe or suitable. Britax Swingfix would be a good option or if you’re on a budget Graco Slimfit R129 is in the same price bracket as Elevate and so much safer
@Irita thanks for the heads up and recommendation!
There isn’t a seat for a high centile child that will RF and FF. Best bet would be Axkid minikid4/movekid and then a dedicated HBB around 5/6 years old x