7am wake up, 7am-8:30 play and feed & bath 8:30-9am back to bed 11-12 wake up 12 lunch & play 1-2 feed and nap 2-5:6 nap 6/7: wake up & bath, play 8-9: bed Sleeps through the night and then repeat I didn’t enforce a routine just followed my son and when he woke up, I did find when he woke up loads he was always hungry so I always made sure to feed him until he stopped and controversial he needed a blanket that was life changing for me, I think he was cold in the night. Since sleeping with a blanket he slept through the night
Be strict with the routine I bath bottle bed my son at 8:30 every night bed by 9 have him an extra ounce before bed to get him to sleep longer he’s now on 6 ounce and sleep all way through till 8am I feed him ever 3 hours 6 ounce I downloaded huckleberry really helped in the beginning now I don’t use it as we’re in a set routine
I have very similar routine to @Emily
@Courtney Bolger do you find that your bubba gets enough sleep in a 24 hr period with this bedtime? How are you doing naps? We're struggling so.much with naps that I've had to bring my boys bedtime forward to 7 pm.
Bedtime works really well, he goes down independently. But naps are 30 minutes if we're lucky
@Emily yesss to the blanket!! My girlie has had a blanket since she was in hospital and has always slept better under them. She hated the sleep sack things, gave her a thick blanket back and she was happy as anything. So many people freak out when I tell them I use a blanket 😅 x
@Bobbie same!! But we sleep in a blanket and sometimes still cold it felt so cruel to leave him with no blanket freezing his ass off He’s so much more cosy and warm in the blanket
7pm bed, 7am wake up (with many wake ups in between) 3-4 naps a day about 30-45 minutes each but no set time for the naps just when he’s tired