
Hi ladies I just had a baby almost 4 months ago and I just feel like my sex drive is so high to the point that it’s distracting me .. my partner has a low libido & im sexually frustrated.. what do y’all recommend? Don’t say “get a vibrator” because I already have one. But it just doesn’t do it for me … I like physical touch.
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It depends on if your partner has always had a low libido or if you had sex less during pregnancy which lowered it temporarily. Environmental, emotional, and physiological factors can be at play there, too. If you and your partner are otherwise good/ happy together... there's no harm in approaching it head on and communicating your needs to him by explaining you've noticed your physically feeling a lot more turned on than usual and you'd love for him to help you with it. I have a naturally very high sex drive and so does my partner so even through pregnancies we've not stopped but I know when certain pregnancy symptoms have crept in and made me feel like shit we've had to take a break, but we maintain physical contact and intimacy during those times either way. That's one thing to consider... that you could ease into more sex with your partner by asking to do/ suggesting doing things that aren't necessarily penetrative sex but still are able to "get you off" in the same way... like build up to it y'know?

Have you tried asking him to touch you and speak to you while you use your vibrator, so he's helping you meet your needs even if he's not in the mood for the act himself? Like stroking your hair, gently running fingers over your skin, neck, breasts, stomach, etc where you like it, kissing you, holding the vibrator himself, maybe fingering you sometimes?

Yes and he does do that, but I’m someone that wants it more then once a week.. he’s either too tired or not in the mood & it’s frustrating because I don’t want to be with anyone else.

Is it a new thing since you've had baby, and before that he was in the mood more often? Because it could just be a season you have to wait out with a baby. Also when he isn't in the mood have you tried asking "is it a definite no or is there something I can do to put you in the mood/are you willing to try just chilling naked together and if you are in the mood after that then we can do it or if you're not then we've gotten some intimacy and I'll respect your boundaries?"

If it's a new thing it could be male ppd or like said before just something you have to wait out while baby is little?

You’re so right. I think we haven’t always been on the best terms either & I think he has a low sex drive bc of his testosterone levels are low

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