Yes!! You support him to enable him to go to work..
Rule in our house is basic salary is shared on the home expenses, any bonuses are exempt from household money. That's based on both of us working. It used to benefit him more as I didn't get much in bonuses in my old job. Now it benefits me as I get bigger bonuses. But I usually put some of that money towards home improvements and holidays anyway, so we all benefit still. I think it's entitled to assume you can spend someone else's perks. As he said he will buy that jewellery for you, then bonus time would make sense. But he might be planning a more romantic way to gift it to you later or something so be careful nagging for it 👀 it's not a gift if you ask for it!
@Helen hmmm yeah but the reason I don’t have any perks is because we made the decision that instead of going to work I will look after our kid.
For me it should be a joint decision, a discussion before anything is spent. We both work, he earns more than I do because I reduced my hours to be around for the kids. Our money is shared, and any big purchases etc we’d always check in with the other person first
I would say it should be used for things like a family holiday etc rather than a gift for either one of you. I think that’s something he should do off his own back
In my opinion, you’re just as entitled to it as he is. You’re supposed to be a team. Only difference is that he’s employed by a company and you’re “employed” by your child. 😊 Maybe just have a transparent talk about how to spend it/save it/invest it together. x