I literally feel the same, I’m glad I’m not alone on this one xx
@Shakeira yeah I feel guilty if I don’t take her out the house, and omg don’t even begin to speak about screen time I’ve let her watch abit of dancing fruits she’s nearly 4 months old but the amount of backlash you get on here for doing it, “ you should be doing this instead” I’m just glad it’s not me just feeling this way i feel abit more normal 😂😂 xxx
@Priya honestly had to shout out and see if anyone else feels the same cos I’ve constantly had stuff going around in my head all day x
@Demileigh she’s on the playmat I’m thinking I should be interacting with her, oh she’s bored I need to take her out, she’s been in the living room all day I need to do something, mate it’s constant! I just feel like I’m not doing enough! Don’t get me started on the TV situation I was like I’m not going to allow TV watching but I have a 65 inch on the wall in the living room can’t avoid it at all so sometimes I put baby TV on I guess it’s better looking at that then watching the drama in Eastenders 😂😂
@Priya yeah I do it hun, I panic thinking she’s just laid there even though she’s literally not crying.. and sometimes I sit her on my lap and we’re cuddling but she watches the telly… some women said turn the telly off they shouldn’t watch it.. god I’d go insane it’s hard enough as it is being alone on maternity leave 😂😂 Honestly least we’re not crazy we all think the same xx
I had this the other day after a mum posted anon about what else she can do with her 5 month old, listed all the things she already does, does baby reading and baby gymnastics every week, takes them to zoo’s etc, reads to them everyday and slll this other stuff… I was like heck🙃
the way i think of it is i had tv when i was a baby and its not done me any harm 😂 i have to have it on in the background at all times because theres only so much talking to my baby i can do to fill the silence without going clinically insane. Sometimes she prefers watching the tv than paying attention to me doesn’t matter what is on whether its baby tv or the news she will blatantly ignore me so that’s when i know it’s time for the play matt to come out 😂 i find it hard enough to fit her naps and feeds in so that’s she’s in some sort of routine as well as doing chores in the house that i find it hard to get the time to take her out everyday.
Feel the same as I've not been to a single baby class or sensory session. I just play with her, do park walks and playmat mostly....glad I'm not alone x
@Samina don’t feel bad for not taking them to baby class’s hun some mums just don’t feel comfortable think of what you do with them like you said going for walks to the park etc, I just think it’s us mums we try so hard but always feel it’s not good enough. Your doing amazing like we all are xx
@Shakeira she doesn’t pay attention to it constantly and I don’t have her stuck to it and doing nothing else but I just think some mums are really harsh and make you feel so crap, like you said when we was babies we was probably all sat infront of tvs, it’s so hard been a mum in this day and age as your constantly trying your best but been judged for it. Xx
@Riley I do take my baby to a class once a week and I try get her out the house daily even if I walk around the street but i just have this constant guilt but I feel more normal Now that we all feel the same 😂 x
@Demileigh thank you hun since the weather's been rubbish we've not been out much but we visit family alot so that's her social time. I just feel bad as she's not around babies her age and the HV and Dr's keep mentioning baby classes constantly to me. It's alot of pressure to do things. And don't get me started on tv the judgement you get 😒 🙄 😑 thank you for your kind msg though. You're doing amazing too !
I’ve had the same guilty feelings, it’s even harder when it comes to me needing to clean as I’ve developed a bit of OCD so if things aren’t done or spotless I get stressed about it 🙃😂 honestly i was never this way before having a baby! Xx
Ladies I know that mom guilt too well. I always feel guilty that I am not doing enough and my kids are behind on stuff like potty training? How the heck do I concentrate on that while I have a new born. Anyway whether they watch TV now or later at some point they will. I survived for 17 months without TV and my toddler now cannot live without Miss Rachel and company. How ever this is the best thing because at two plus years his vocabulary is exemplary if I say so myself. All this to say I love all the suggestions the world makes to Moms but the universe will help us align with the “right” decisions at any given time. Kids are resilient and they will get over whatever in due time.
i’m constantly like this too. If we don’t leave the house one day out of the week i feel guilty for not taking her for a walk and if she’s having screen time i feel guilty because i should be playing with her but she’s quite happy sat there whilst im doing chores but i feel bad. I think it’s normal but i can’t help feeling like this too x