Less milk intake

LO is 4 months on Saturday and for the last few days has gone right off of her milk was on 6/7 oz every 3 hours and is now only taking 3/4 oz every 3 hours. She is really restless at night time and constantly bringing her legs and kicking them out. She also has bad reflux which I don't think helps and after she started taking less milk has her jabs too so probably hasn't helped either. Has anyone else been in the same situation?
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This happened to me and he got poorly shortly after with bronchialitus and tonsillitis.... Hopefully she won't but just watch out for any symptoms. I felt so bad he was obviously suffering drinking because of the tonsillitis

@Becky owe no, that's not nice for him, bless him. My Lo has already had bronchitis when she was 5 weeks ish, so I hope she isn't coming down with anything else 🤞 its horrobke whe they're ill isn't it x

@Aislinn it's so bad isn't it 😭.

Yeah my boy has gone from drinking 6/7oz 4 times a day to 2 oz. He had his jab Monday and has the 💩 ever since. What are the bronchialitus? Xx

Mine did this. He started fussing on bottles and just being fussy in general. All to do with leap 4. He's now back on 6/7/8oz. He's still a bit fussy, but I think that's down to his teeth coming in. Leap 4 / regression / teething - it will be down to one of these i imagine. What teat size are you using? It could also be down to that.

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