I ignore or put in time outs when my kids act out like this. The older they have gotten the more it has died down. But I think it’s completely normal. And yes it’s freakin exhausting. I have a short fuse too. And I have to leave the room to get my chill or I’ll scream. And I don’t want to do that to them. It’s not their fault. There just learning still. They haven’t done what we have done. It’s all new to them and plus there emotions run wild like a roller coster. It’s hard to keep up with them. Just try your best and try to breath and keep your cool. It’s the only thing we can do. Chill and teach. It’s hard. Super hard but The older he gets. The easier it gets. Trust the process.
And some days are easier than others. Some days I have angels and some days I have demons running around. 😂
Ask your pediatrician for a referral to occupational therapy. Could be sensory processing difficulties...difficulties with regulating external and internal stimuli.
I feel you! My son is 2 next month and he is identical!! Everything is a battle. I know of kids who were like that but are so calm now, so I’m praying it’s an age thing. I get so overstimulated every time he whinges and throws a tantrum. I’ve recently tried actively ignoring the kicking and screaming which seems to help SLIGHTLY. I’ve also found ten minutes of one on one time straight after they wake seems to set them on a calmer course. A child psychologist I follow posted about it and so far so good.
It’s typically normal/just a phase. They’re slowly moving into a whole new area of life where they are understanding that they want and need certain things, but can’t articulate. Emotional regulation and proper responses don’t exist. So it’s up to us to help them through it the best we can. I’m with you on the overstimulation when it comes to the whining and tantrums. I can’t stand it but I’m learning to be more patient as she enters the 2’s era. We just had our first public meltdown in Target yesterday because I wouldn’t give her another chocolate. I could have yelled at her but instead I explained that she could have one in the car if she stopped acting out. She eventually stopped, accepted something else I let her hold, and then she got her snack. She may not understand right now, but it holds weight for later
My daughter does this, too. I tell her she's going to time out if she acts like this and put her in her chair. I will go back to what I was doing when she comes down. I will talk to her. I am trying to teach her to count to 10 and take a deap breath while doing it. My husband has never been around kids, so he loses it real quick and doesn't have much patience. So I feel she had fed off his feelings so much, so I try to work with him too. You are good they are babies, and they can't talk, so they don't know how to express their feelings the way we want them to. We just have to work with them!