Hey! I go by my baby’s corrected age for milestones. Corrected age is the age they would be if born on their due date x
My twins were born 3 months early (due Dec 14th born Aug 31st) and we still go by adjusted age they just hit 1 year adjusted and are almost 15mo chronological and we go by adjusted age even through the pediatrician
Adjusted age until they catch up to the milestones of their age group (typically happens around age 2). However, for some it can take longer and thats okay ❤️
It’s a bit of an odd one because when my daughter was technically 1 day old corrected, she was going 3-4 hours between feeds… you kinda just have to roll with it 🤷🏻♀️
Honestly I go with my son and my gut feeling. Cause my baby was due 11/09 but was born 09/25 and the expectations of his pediatrician is going by his actual age. But he just hits his milestones a week later and I’m fine with that.
sorry if i misunderstood what you were asking! we were told that for the first two years, base milestones on adjusted age. so just subtract how early they were from their age. for your babies if they were say 10 months, you would want to be watching the 8 month mile stones. that was just our what we were told by doctor tho, hope that helps!
You just go by due date. How old they would be if they were born the day they were due. All milestones and development go by adjusted age.