At the moment my sons nursery is referring him for ADHD as his definitely showing traits of it but he just continously bites himself
Is there any other signs they have seen in your son to also suspect ADHD, other than the biting? When my son was about 10 months up until recently, he would bang his head on the floor, door, stair gate etc but never bang his head on anything soft, only hard things and it wouldn’t bother him
His constantly on the go literally doesn't stop once he wakes up. Doesn't settle easily, doesn't like to share, has meltdowns if he doesn't get what he wants. Doesn't listen to instructions or doesn't understand danger as he likes to stand on furniture and just runs up to strangers
Mine literally doesn’t stop from the minute he wakes to the minute he goes to sleep! He climbs on absolutely everything. My son also doesn’t speak very much, he says mum, dad and nan but that’s about it so he gets very angry and frustrated when told no and bites himself
My son doesn't stop speaking haha. It's difficult to know what to do. ADHD runs in my family
My son is 1.5 years old and I wondered the same thing, he bits his hand, sleeve and fingers especially when he gets frustrated