My little one is going to be 5 months next week and she has been the most chill little girl from day one. However, over the last week she has been extremely fussy and unable to be entertained 😢 She is chewing on everything and drooling but she won't let me have a good look to see if she's actually teething yet!
She has no signs of illness and is eating her normal amounts!
Does this sound like teething to you?? I feel so badly since she's obviously uncomfortable...I'm just not sure if it's developmental (maybe frustrated that she can't get to where she wants to go) or there's a tooth ready to come through?? 😩 Poor girl is so unsettled!
Sounds like teething, mine is 7 months and has been off and on with teething since then. I found that when she’s sleeping i can sometimes get a good look lol but give baby something cold to chew on and see how that affects them and you’ll know for sure. Mine loves to chew on a frozen wash cloth I wet a little. It sucks but they’ll get through it 💕