
My little one is going to be 5 months next week and she has been the most chill little girl from day one. However, over the last week she has been extremely fussy and unable to be entertained 😢 She is chewing on everything and drooling but she won't let me have a good look to see if she's actually teething yet! She has no signs of illness and is eating her normal amounts! Does this sound like teething to you?? I feel so badly since she's obviously uncomfortable...I'm just not sure if it's developmental (maybe frustrated that she can't get to where she wants to go) or there's a tooth ready to come through?? 😩 Poor girl is so unsettled!
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Sounds like teething, mine is 7 months and has been off and on with teething since then. I found that when she’s sleeping i can sometimes get a good look lol but give baby something cold to chew on and see how that affects them and you’ll know for sure. Mine loves to chew on a frozen wash cloth I wet a little. It sucks but they’ll get through it 💕

I use these homeopathic teething drops called Camilla they seem to help, also if you babe is really uncomfortable give her some infant Tylenol ( if you were in pain you would treat it with meds, same goes for babe) my son has been doing that since 4 months and he finally got his two bottom teeth

Definitely sounds like teething, and could totally be a little of column A and B with developmental leaps. I know it tough, and makes a Mumma feel badly, but it will pass. Could try wetting a face cloth then wringing it out into a twist line, and put it in the freezer. Give it to baby in fussy times, but just run one little end under water first

@Tasha-Lee oh man..it's been so rough! I feel like she's getting progressively more fussy during the day. Still eats and sleeps well 🤷🏼‍♀️ But she is SO cranky when awake! I'll look into the developmental leaps! Could also be that. She seems to get bored SO easily!

😅 The first year can definitely be a long road with it's share of potholes. Good to hear eating and sleeping hasn't been affected! Maybe time to help your LO work regularly on a skill that hasn't been mastered yet! Might help relieve any boredom

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