He doesn’t have to like anyone but he has to respect me enough to not say horrible thing about them. Also he thinks I’m the one who can’t have conversations because half the time I feel so crazy I tell him I can’t take it anymore and that I can’t talk at the moment, even then sometimes he won’t leave me alone. I try to be calm and have a normal conversation but when someone is constantly telling you how your wrong about things or won’t give up till they are right it’s so hard.
I love him a lot but I think it’s time to end things it’s just a little complicated rn. I’m a sahm I have maybe $50 to my name and no car cause of family drama. I don’t have much help with the baby so no one can watch her while I work and if I’m gonna put her in daycare I won’t have the money for much else because daycare is insanely expensive
This doesn't sound like an emotionally healthy man so I would run for the hills, personally
God he sounds incessant, I'd be ditching him, sorry!
He sounds like nope
He’s been making me feel crazy. Thank you all so much for basically telling me I’m not
I'm in the same situation and I'm about to give up as well! He is the father of my baby so he would still be involved in there I guess. Same no money nothing on my name like you. Don't know what to do as well😫
I wouldn’t be able to put up with this and I don’t think you should have to either
It’s scary as fuck! No money no job just the baby and my dog. I need to find a way to make money from home for a bit cause I have no car. He was giving me his suv since he got his truck but now that won’t happen. I just don’t know what to do I feel stuck.
He sounds insecure and annoying af. Its hard to carry on a relationship with someone you can't even have a civil conversation with. And I don't see it working out if he hates your family and friends.