We are looking to do BLW but I started on a week of baby rice and porridge, now this week we’ve done some veg and fruit purées. I’m going to introduce soft boiled/steamed veg soon.
We've just started and so far I've been choosing a veg per day and doing both a puree and also offering a large chuck of same veg, steamed to super soft perfection. Working great so far - baby prefers chunks to purée.
@Hattie Hiya, do you know when we go to a more complicated recipes? After about few weeks? Eager to start cooking for the whole family (simplified for baby, obviously)
@Alisa after two weeks we started giving her a little bit of what we were having, while still being careful to introduce allergens one by one!
Just five baby bits of whatever you're eating. Steamed veggies, a finger of meat, mash potato pre loaded on a spoon. Fruit either cut into fingers or given whole of large, like a large strawberry, or cut into quarters if it would fit in their mouth whole. My baby likes chips (home made), baked beans, pear and banana, she's had avocado sandwiches, veggie soup, sausage pasta, she loves a broccoli floret! Breast sticks, cucumber, pastries. Banana pancakes, scrambled eggs, basically just whatever we're doing, she gets some too.
@Charlotte hi Charlotte this sounds amazing. I’d love to do this. Can I ask what you started with? I’m worried my little girl wouldn’t cope with beans etc as wouldn’t chew them
@Alice I think she had some bagel first 🤔 or banana. Banana was definitely early as she stole one I was holding for my toddler 😂 and bread stick was also an early one. And broccoli 🥦 she loves broccoli 🥦 for the first fortnight she would bite and spit out anything, now she's starting to chew and move the food around a lot more. Beans she pretty much just sucks all the juices off her spoon 😂
Anything finger sized and they can smush between their fingers is fine. No salt or sugar. Start with veg x
Start with soft cooked chunks of veg, no need to do purees, but still one food at a time x