Can’t take it

I had a complete meltdown yesterday I think it was some kind of breakdown, After dealing with the baby alone for 6 months no sleep, dealing with her crying day and night and whinging and teething then being unwell etc she’s a very miserable high needs baby day and night I left the bedroom put her in bed went into the bathroom and just screamed and cried and punched myself after her being unsetttleed for hours at a time, I’m talking 5 hours non stop Family member came up who I live with said I cannot act like this with a baby it’s not right I said what should I of done then, screamed in the same room as her? I think I did the right thing, while I was in the bathroom baby just started to get unsettled they got her out the cot and saw her dummy that was on the floor and just picked it up and put it in her mouth? This triggered me as who the fuck does that… It’s not clean and you’ve shoved it in her mouth!? But that’s wrong too to get annoyed at that too, I rang the baby’s dad hoping for someone to make me feel abit better and said what’d happened he also said I’m so wrong for going in the toilet to scream and cry and I’m totally wrong and he’s disappointed in me.. and I need to control my anger better. no support just putting me down even more. Even called me a bad mum Where is my support I get no fucking help dealing with this alone it’s fucked up I feel like no cares about me I’m clearly struggling and NO ONE cares just puts me down it’s too much to handle anymore I even been saying to my so called partner ( her dad) I feel like my life just isn’t worth living he doesn’t say anything supportive back. Just why, you have a baby you should be happy. Fed up
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If no one else will tell you I will you did the right thing by going in the bathroom and letting your anger out it’s definitely a whole lot better than taking it out on baby I’m sorry the people in your life are so shit I hope you can leave that guy and stop living with the family member it’s hard being a mom and no one understands but us you’re doing a great job mama I’m proud of you and you should be proud of yourself❤️

I most definitely have moments when I just can’t control my feelings either. Much better to do it in private than accidentally scaring baby or something. I’d seek out a therapist, it sounds like you need to vent with an unbiased opinion. Mom life is hard and nobody knows what you have to deal with all day so shutting down your feelings isn’t cool on those peoples’ part :( I’d suggest asking for somebody to take the baby for a while so you can get some much needed rest. And don’t worry about the paci being dropped on the floor, I do it all the time. Obviously if it falls on the floor outside my home I clean it but I’m sure you have nice floors so don’t stress too much haha. I, too, have a particularly difficult baby and couldn’t imagine trying to do it all alone. If I were in your shoes I’d most likely 100% be doing things and feeling the same way as you. Sending strength your way, you got this 💪🏻

Why isn’t the dad helping ? You are not a bad mom, you did the right thing about letting your frustrations out away from baby (who wouldn’t be frustrated after 5hrs non stop unsettledness?) so please don’t be hard on your self.. but the dad, he is the one who is a very bad parent, you are vulnerable and NEED him and he’s not there for you and your baby. And if your family member heard you why didn’t they come earlier to help you instead of waiting until you let your frustration put to come help? Most Mothers who are happy with motherhood have husbands who we good fathers and other support system. This is on your husband, he should step up and be there as a husband and as a father

Us moms that do it completely alone understands even moms that have help I'm sure they do. Nobody really understands until their put into your situation. You are a great mom for taking care of your baby while your stressed, sleep deprived, ECT. you are doing an amazing job and if you ever need someone to talk to you can message me 🫶🏼 but it sounds like your dealing with ppd I would talk to a friend that understands or your ob

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