@Hannah seems a bit early do you not think?
I haven't heard anything about this. I feel I should ask at my 38 week appointment on Monday because I absolutely don't want an induction!
41st week doesn't mean exactly at 41 weeks though and induction can take a good few days and I think they like to get baby out by 42 weeks but you can refuse it it's your choice
I was told when I had my first in January they don’t like you going over 41 weeks as there’s a higher chance in still birth but it’s your choice no one can make you.
I was booked an induction at exactly 41 weeks with my first in January but ended up being induced at 40+4 due to having sepsis.
I gonna keep reading into it but it’s saying everywhere there’s increased risk of having an assisted birth including emergency c section and it’s more painful cause it’s unnatural. my first was born 40+4 so feel like I’ll be over anyway but her L&D was so smooth I think I’ll try and push induction back as far as possible and let him come when he’s ready cause I’ll be worried too much which will cause more issues
This is exactly how I feel! At 41+3 days they’ll book me for an induction but if it get to that stage I might ask them to push it back even just a couple of days
I was induced with my first baby 41+1, it was booked in at my 40 week appointment just in case she still hadn't made an appearance. I'll put my two pence in, overdue and induced may tend to work out better than early induction. Your body will be more ready and more likely to comply with induction. No one ever writes good reviews, same as nobody writes about their good induction stories! Mine was great, didn't stay in long. Active labour starting to placenta out was 2hrs 17, pushed for 13 minutes and only took gas and air, I thought it was going to be way more painful after hearing the 'horror' stories. I said after, god I won't be doing this again for a while and the midwives laughed and said most people say I'm never doing this again. Baby was born at 5am and we were home for lunch. She was 41+1, 7lbs bang on and healthy. Don't write it off completely do some more research, don't just hunt for the bad stuff. The stats aren't as bad as the number of people's stories make out
My first ones 42+3 but wish it was sooner. It gets so uncomfortable
My midwife said they recommend induction by 10 days over but she is happy for me to go further than that they would just recommend ctg monitoring and scan :) I won’t be accepting any intervention until at least 42 weeks if I get to then x
I think my midwife said it would be scheduled in the 41st week