Depends how long you leave the baby dirty and how much they move. This is the reason for our leaks😇
Possibly you need to do them up tighter. My parents looked after baby and we had the first poo explosion right after (through the thighs).. they hadn’t done it up tight enough lol
@Raluca 30 seconds after he poo’s we have a leak 😂
@Elle I don’t think we could possibly do them up any tighter! He gets marks on his chunky thighs as it is!
Definitely go up a size, our girl was leaking out every time in the size 2s and as soon as we changed to 3s we’ve had no leaks xx
defo size up, we had leaks at number 2, sized up and have had not a single leak for weeks now
@incognito defo go up 1 size🥰
go up a size for sure. we were getting wet and dirty leaks in size 2 now he’s in size 3 we haven’t had any leaks ☺️