My youngest is now one but I still find myself nursing him to sleep and co-sleeping with him. 🥴 I gave myself a year to nurse him but I don’t see it being as easy as it was with my daughter. He is super clingy and wakes up multiple times at night too. I find myself nursing him back to sleep as nothing else seems to work or calm him. He’s my third and last baby, the second one I have nursed, and the only one I’ve been able to stay home with full time. I’d like to sleep throughout the night if nothing else but how?
You can sleep train baby (without doing the cry it out method) but it’s gonna take time and dedication. You can start by replacing nursing with a bottle and eventually rock baby to sleep every time he wakes up instead of giving him the breasts. Make sure baby doesn’t miss his naps during the day and goes to bed at a decent time. Is it possible for dad to be involved?