How many weeks are you? My midwife always said to go get checked - better safe than sorry. I've been before and it's just a quick heartbeat check to make sure everything is alright.
@Yana 31 weeks
Go get checked. Doesn’t matter how many times. If it’s not yours/your babies normal it’s safer and probably more peace of mind for you to get checked. I was admitted to hospital Monday-Weds. and then went back for reduced movements on Friday-Saturday. They told me the same thing. And if it makes you feel any better they also told me they have some women who come in 2-3x a week due to concerns. They’d rather reassure you and check then have something be wrong and ignored xx
@Sharnee thank you. This is my first and I dunno i kind of feel I'm just over worrying. But I also feel I should go get checked. Thank you for the reassurance. I'll ring the midwife and go get checked
Omg I am the exact same!! I'm 30 weeks Sunday and have an anterior placenta, it took AGES to feel a decent bit of kicking and movement, I'd say the past few weeks perhaps I've felt her better I went to the hospital at 26 weeks with pain and reduced movement, they checked her heartbeat on a doppler machine and said she sounded good and had me hooked to a heart monitor and she was good Always best to be safe than sorry but even I'm in the same boat, she was kicking hard at the beginning of the week but the end of this week she's quietened down with the odd movement and gentle flutters, I don't want to waste my time going back to the hospital and wasting everyone else's time :/
@Samantha, yes, I didn't feel moventme for a very long time, It took until 26 weeks to feel my boy moving. As people have advised me to get checked, I'd say the same to you. If nothing else, at least it will give us as mums reassurance xx
She's picked her movements back up again, I'm going to keep a close eye on her as I recently saw the midwife and heard the heartbeat and she said all is good They recommend laying on your left side and poking your stomach, might encourage movement, I've also drank luczoade and other fizzies and had sugary stuff to wake her, so wondering if she just nuzzled into my back so it felt lighter, but will def go back to the hospital if the movements go down again
For people that say babies have a routine by 32weeks this isn't necessarily the case all the time, Im currently 34wks and my baby has more chill days than others yesterday i felt her wriggle a little and kick very few times throughout the day but today shes been super active. Literally all depends on what you've had to drink, what food you've had and the sugar content, what exercise you've done, etc Deffo get checked out if you're worried but this is to put your mind at rest a bit that babys can have their chill out days 😅
@Lynds Wish I got chill out days 😂 I've never felt more disorganised rn
So midwife said baby has a great heartbeat, but the machine is struggling to pick up indications of acceleration (movement). So they are now going to speak with the doctor to see what they want to do
Hope everything is okay! 🤞
@Samantha doctors not concerned said baby has a great heartbeat and is moving but looks like only slight movement at a time, possibly why I can't feel much
I also have anterior placenta and have been to hospital for reduced movements before - they said that anterior placenta does not make you feel reduced movement at this stage for example if you’re 31 weeks you should be feeling baby move a lot and they will have an established pattern therefore I’d always go hospital to be checked out if baby deviates from that pattern! Better safe than sorry and they’d always be happy to see you and check you out
@Tusk hi yes they actually told me the same thing last night that the anterior placenta won't make a difference to feeling movements from this stage, and to go in straight away if I'm concerned
If you feel concerned go to the hospital and get baby checked. It’s no harm doing so and will probably put your mind at ease. Hope all goes well x