@Olivia thank you that’s reassuring. The midwife did say 9 times out of 10 it resolves itself but my mind always goes to the negative. Thank you again xx
I had a low lying placenta at 20 weeks, it moved by 32 and now I have my 3 month old 🥰
@Danielle thank you 🥰
I had a low lying placenta at 23 weeks. They sent me for a scan at 32 weeks to check it's possition and mine had gone high. It's really normal for it to be low, there is plenty of time for it to move up and away
@Helen thank you so much. This makes me feel so much better and less stressed xx
@Fran try to not worry though, they told me 9 times out of 10 it does move but if it doesn't you'd need a section. I ended up having one in the end anyway due to babys heart rate going up and down and was all fine xx
@Danielle thank you. I’m looking to have an elective section anyway. I just worried that this may cause complications x
I think it’s pretty common. I had it in both pregnancies and never had any issues. It had moved by the 34 week scan both times
Thank you everyone ❤️
Hiya I had this at my 20week scan and by 32 weeks they re scanned and my placenta had moved all the way to the top! X