
Scan at private place, 15+3 weeks Looks Willy but apparently is deffo girl ! It’s the labia and clitoris. Anyone think girl still and had similar scan
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Yeah that’s a girl my girl looked the same I also asked the doctor and they explained it weirdly so don’t judge but girl parts look like hamburgers in ultra sounds top is the top bum middle meat and bottom is the bottom bun (it makes me uncomfortable just explaining it like that but that’s how it was explained to me so I’m sorry) 😂

Ohh okay, it looked like Willy lol 😂 so is it the labia and clitoris? I zoomed in and does look like hamburger (someone else used this expression) but from afar it looked like penis so I was unsure they got it correct.. xx

Yeah the middle is the Libia and clitoris I think lol

@Amelie your looks more developed I’m only 15 and half weeks. Looked weird when saw it but it’s been confirmed girl. I wasn’t sure tho as only had boys cx

I thought mine was a Willy icl😂 but she’s defo a girl x

@Amelie Oh okay so it’s prob the labia and clitoris then lol xx

@Kaitlyn yeah it looks it in one angle but everyone saying it’s got three lines and is lady parts so I’m trying to not worry lol xx

@Kaitlyn this was me 🙂

I was really adamant I was having a boy, I was sure I’d seen the whole thing on the screen to look a boy but nope definitely a girl. They say they look very similar when in the womb. X

@Fay I kept asking at all my scans to make sure it was a girl x

@Kaitlyn I had 7 after and did same even at 37 weeks 😂

@Fay I can’t remember how many I had but I had scans every other week to make sure my girl was growing as she was tiny. 2.5 years and still in 12-18 month clothes. Xx

I will prob get them to double check at 20 weeks for sure. As already buying girl stuff x

i always tell people: hamburger for a girl turtle for a boy

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