I was in the same boat with mine. It does get better - just know you’re doing a great job and make sure you take lots of drinks and snacks with you! ❤️❤️
I agree with Ash, it'll be cluster feeding, most likely due to a growth spurt around that age. I'd say nothing to worry about, most HV will say as long as there are plenty of wet and dirty nappies and she's putting on weight it's all good.
Very normal. In the evenings it's higher calorie, but lower volume. So they'll feed more often. But also, growth spurts to increase volumes etc
So so normal. Most babies at that age evening cluster feed. Find a good TV show to binge watch 😂
Sounds like cluster feeding. Nothing you can but just feed baby! I remember asking this same question about a year ago because my baby is now almost a year in a couple of weeks and it’s just so beautiful to watch my breast-feeding journey. Good luck mama and continue to feed your baby 🩷