Postpartum hair loss

I recently started losing my edges and hair is breaking off so much. I’ll be going on 4 months pp next week. I’m just curious to know if anyone else has experienced this as well after pregnancy. What products did you use to help the hair grow back or how long did it last for you? You’re not alone girl if you are losing hair
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I had this happen. It thinned and fell out. I cut it short so I didn’t have to brush it/ touch it as much. I also used a reparative hair mask but left it in instead of washing it out.

yesss it was so bad around month 3 of me being pp. i use vegamor, kinda pricy, but it works! im currently using moerie ultimate hair growth system and this one i like much better. hope that helps! 💜

Mine was bad from 4-5 months massive clumps in the shower or when I brushed it and could see it noticeably at the front both sides of my forehead it seems to have slowed down now all I did differently was try and wash it less and use silk bobbles/ scrunchies, I carried on taking my usual vitamins and it’s growing back now which I think will be ugly for a bit but it’s better than the bald patches😅 I just wouldn’t worry about it it’s all part of pp and it’ll come back! X

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