Poorly baby

I am currently up with my one year old cos she keeps being sick on a night think she has a bug. She seems to be fine on a day. I been up nearly two days mostly with her like this. I went to bed tonight and she ended up in bed with me with her not feeling great where she was sick. Clean her up ect. She went bk to sleep for a little bit. My partner had come up and come too bed and she been sick not long after (ps he not sorted her at all today.) I up getting ready for work at this ponit cos I couldn't sleep and they ponit where she be sick and his shout out to come get her. Which I don't mind cos I'm up and I said I'll have to bring her bk up at 4.30 cos I need to set off to work and his gone off on one cos I'm off to work and he don't wanna watch his sick child.cos his not sleep. Ps he decided to stay up to watch boxing rather then come to bed. I'm knacked and have to go to work I can't afford to time off. And I close to losing my job as it is. Ps his the only one who can have her while I work. What do I do? I need to go work but I can't have his shouting down phone all day telling me I better come home and sort my child even tho she his as well. It's his daughter as well. What do I do?
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Ps I had to deal most night with her up and down with sick even with work had maybe 2 hour maybe 3 of sleep in 2 days x. I don't mind cos she's needs me. I'm happy to do it. Would I be in my right to still go work cos I need to.

Yes it's his child too. He needs to take care of her. You can't lose your job just because he is too lazy to step up 😔

Two days ago, I could have written half of this. My LO has been poorly and throwing up every night. In all fairness to my husband, he has been getting up with me, changing the sheets while I change the baby (we co-sleep). On Wednesday, he was home with her while she was poorly, and I was at work. This was the agreement we made: I go to work and he has her.

Do I just lay her bk in bed with him and go work. She sleeping in my arm now but if I take her up he will go off on one cos I said I'll bring her up b4 l go work. It's his own fault his tired he should be watching boxing. He was up and never even sorted know I hv work. Like I said I'm happy to do it she more important

I have to go work even tho I exhausted but he saying i

I can't be that tired if I'm off work

Honestly, you have to do what’s best for you and your baby. If staying home isn’t an option, he’s dad, it’s part of his job to take care of his child.

I definitely need to go work thank u his Gunna have to cope

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