7 week old colic struggles

My baby is 7 weeks old today and since 2 weeks he has struggled with suspected colic. We have had probably 2 days where he has been chilled out, the rest he screams during feeding, when not feeding and during nappy changes. I’m fed up with people telling us this is a phase and don’t understand how we are meant to get through this. It hurts my heart to see him in such distress when I can’t do anything about it and am desperately jealous of other people with calm happy babies. This has totally robbed us of the nice newborn phase and bubble. We have tried gripe water, infacol, we try to feed him upright and burp him a lot. Have even taken him to a locally recommended osteopath but nothing works. He doesn’t sleep for more than 2-3 hours at a time if we are lucky and won’t settle himself. I’m finding it difficult to believe this will ever stop and that we will ever have a happy baby. To top this all off he is super calm at his grandparents and then without fail he will kick off when he comes home with us after being with them which makes me feel like he hates us. We are so grateful for their help and need it for our sanity but it’s almost not worth it because of how bad he then is at home after. I know it’s probably because he feels safe with us to express himself fully but I’m finding it incredibly hard. Unsure why I’m posting I guess I just wanted to know if there were other people on here having similar issues.
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Same here makes me cry all the time my poor lad has reflux, colic, tongue tie the lot

It’s so horrible and unfair isn’t it? Everyone says it doesn’t hurt them to cry but surely it will have some effect on them? Mine also has a tongue tie which wasn’t picked up on by any medical professional, I thought it looked like he had one (am a FTM so doubted myself!) and it was only confirmed this week. Sorry you’re going through this too I wouldn’t wish it on anyone ❤️

Thanks, nice to hear it’s not just us who struggle with them acting differently! We do have dentinox, I didn’t like it as I thought it made him smell like a pickle and he was sick after having it but maybe it’s worth another go. Fingers crossed you’ve turned the corner!

Yeah I totally agree it stinks!! It made his poo smell real bad as well! But if we calmer and happier I couldn’t care what he smells like 😂

Are they on formula we were doing mixed feeding and found she was screaming all the time we used cow and gate. Swapped her to kendamil and she calmed down

Hi, yes he is combi fed although I think I’m losing my milk supply so I think he will be exclusively bottle fed soon. Yes we are using cow and gate actually, what made you change milks, did you find other people had done the same and had good results? This is interesting!!

Speak to the drs about trying dairy free milk. We just switched and the difference is amazing. Before he was refluxy and gassy, congested and had bad skin. All are getting better now. You may need to buy the cow and gate thickener to help baby keep it down as it’s thinner than some formula. I’ve just started freezing the milk I’m producing in case we want it one day, but he’s also been combi fed so similar situation to u x

Thankyou, I did wonder if he has cmpa or is lactose intolerant. He has his 6-8 week check up really soon so I will definitely be asking about this then.

Sounds like reflux with him being uncomfortable on his back for nappy. Doesn't make sense why he's better at his grandparents unless it's just a fluke as mines randomly ok sometimes too. Day time is better than night time for reflux. Have you had him checked for a possible tongue tie? I get so angry that professionals dismiss newborns discomfort, I actually said to them at the 6 week check that they wouldn't expect an adult to remain in pain don't dismiss my newborn! It's crap you have to be so firm for them to take action. Msg me if you want any advice we've been/ going through it all. Have you tried a comfort milk before switching to dairy free? Of colief in bottles although that can be a pain with the wait of 30 mins before feeds for it to work xx

Thankyou, I will message you 😊

Hi we swapped as we heard good things about kendamil they don't use as many oils as the others and luckily it made a difference for us

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