It's understandable and, I would suggest, common to feel this way. I, too, have experienced similar anxieties, but your husband's approach isn't inherently wrong; it's simply different, and that's perfectly acceptable. Believe me, things improve as you allow him to handle things. Begin gradually if that feels more comfortable, and increase your trust over time. Based on your description, unless there are serious concerns (such as abuse), it's primarily a matter of lowering our defences and having a bit more faith in our men - they do okay and it's helpful i found for them to mature a bit. 🫂 Now my husband talks about routine and plans ahead!
Has he looked after her alone a lot? Starting to leave her with him for 1, 2, 3 hours etc might help. I find my husband does so much better when he is fully in charge of her rather than when Im home and ‘hovering’ as he sometimes feels like Im judging him. He could really pleasantly surprise you. Also its okay for them to cry sometimes for a few minutes, even as the mother I have to do this sometimes, if shes crying for food or milk I have to make it for her, or if Im in the shower and need a few mins. As long as she is safe, a couple of mins wont harm her.