2 month old formula

Hi, wanted to know how much milk your 2 month olds are drinking and every how often? My baby exclusively breastfeeds during the day and from 6pm 9pm and sometimes 12am (if she's awake) she will have a 5oz bottle. I'm finding she's finishing this very quickly! To the point where I'm having to top up with my breast milk as she's left feeling hungry! But I feel like giving her more than this will be too much? Like il be overfeeding her.... her height and weight have all been normal so far for her age.
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As a guess between 500-700ml during the day. Her feeds are between 2-3 hours. In the night she’ll have a comfort feed a couple of times and will go sometimes 4 hour stretches between. I’m a bit confused. Are you formula feeding the 5oz bottle or is it breast milk? I would just follow your baby’s cues. If she’s still hungry, give more. You’ll know when she’s not hungry. They also go through growth spurts where they tend to drink more to accommodate the growth.

She nurses every 3 hours during the day and then has a bottle of expressed breast milk (5oz) as her final feed. You can’t overfeed a baby, they don’t know greed, so they will feed until they feel full. If they do take too much, they’ll bring it back up x

@Robyn I'm formula feeding the 5oz x

@Natalia oh right! If she’s finishing the bottle, add a couple more oz and see how she gets on.

My little one seems to be a chunk!! She’s feeding every 3-4 hours and having 7oz! But she sleeps from around 9.30pm-8/9am so I think that’s why she’s feeding more

My little girl is clearing 5oz bottles every 3-4 hrs although I’m now going to up her to 6oz as she’s doing them quickly and everytime x

My boy is on exclusively bottled breastmilk, he’s 2 months on Christmas Day and he’s only having 3 or 3 and a half Oz per meal. But then he was small at birth and still only just 9 lbs now 🙂

What teat size are you using? Your baby could be gulping it down too quickly if they are using a higher teat size. Maybe try the newborn 0 size to help them slow down. My lactation consultant recommend this for my baby who has a bottle of breast milk before bed and seemed fussy / would cry after. Even though she was having quite a fair bit.

With bottle feeding if they are continuously draining the bottle you go up an oz each time until they start leaving some and then stick with that amount. You can’t over feed her and if her eyes did happen to be bigger than her stomach that night she would just vomit it up, no harm x

@Sana using size 1 teet, good idea! I thought as she's now 2months I had to up the teat size to size 2

@Natalia depends on the baby! She could be right. If baby is fussing and gulping it down it could be too fast but if she’s having too much , she more than likely would spit it up! We’ve just moved onto size 2 but my boy was on size 0 for a while

Formula feeding and he’s having 5oz every 2 hours. Tried moving up to 6oz to see if it would satisfy him for longer but didn’t sit well with him

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