Introducing the toilet/potty

Hi all, I'd like to ask if anyone has started to introduce the potty or toilet/started training yet? Just interested to know what people have bought and are finding beneficial for this. I'm not sure whether to buy a potty, or a toilet seat with ladder or both! Any mums already been through it? I'd love to know when you started and how you went about it. Also wondering whether it may be too early.
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I have, we started around 12 months but that was just getting him used to the potty and no pressuring to go, I done this for months and it’s probably only since September that he’s finally got the hang of it and can control himself. For us it was when we got the Nuby potty that looks like a toilet with the flushing on it too. Then about a month ago we moved to the proper toilet with a seat and he could use either and he’s now really got the hang of it and goes on the toilet and is dry all day and only really does one wee in his nappy at night now. Honestly I think it’s about finding what works for your little one, my boy started to get stressed with the smaller potty’s but loved the Nuby one and it was well worth the money I’d say! X

We introduced the potty months ago and it's gone badly. She absolutely won't have anything to do with it when she needs to go, only sits on the potty as a seat. We got her a toy "toilet" so she can be like her parents when we go, but she won't even touch it and when I opened the lid she closed it again and said no. No idea where to go from here. She fully understands what we do and when she's going, but we mention the potty and she holds in her poop and panics.

We got one for each bathroom at about 18 months. She goes through phases of wanting to sit on it, and then soon after doesn’t want to again. We’re not forcing it at all, just leaving the option open. I don’t think she’s quite ready - I don’t think she could control it enough just yet. Each child is different though. I’m hoping by spring she’ll be more ready and we can try and focus on it a bit more. For her brother, he was 2.5-3 ish I think and we just went for it, no nappies and just got him to sit on the potty at regular intervals. He got there within a few days, just be prepared for accidents (plenty of spare clothes, towels/puppy pads on sofas etc). We also took a potty in the car with us too just incase.

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