Kitten and pregnancy

My kitten is stressing me out so much. I’m only 4 weeks nearly 5 but I’m scared that bc I’m reacting to him it’s causing the baby stress I don’t know how to stop as I get triggered easily, my kitten hasn’t been neutered or anything yet which may help but I have to wait I was thinking to get some catnip, I’m just worried that I’m getting so stressed it will affect my baby
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I was stressed and depressed lol and my baby was absolutely fine , don’t worry too much

Why exactly are you stressed? Is the kitten not behaving or you are scared of toxoplasmosis?. If so just try to get someone else to clean his litter box and wash your hands after you touch him and you should be fine. I am on my second pregnancy with a cat and everything is fine. Good luck with your pregnancy ☺️

what is your kitten doing that’s stressing you out? x

@Noelia he’s still very young about 3 months so extremely active he keeps meowing and jumping on absolutely everything and almost breaking everything like he just doesn’t seem to stop

@Hannah just running jumping clawing everything meowing constantly, he is fed regularly and I play with him and cuddle him etc he isn’t neglected and he has toys but he is only a kitten so he may be bored at times I’m gonna get him some new toys see if it helps and catnip but he’s extremely active all the time. He is yet to be de wormed and neutered as I’m waiting for space atm so dunno if that’s why

It's nothing to do with being unneutered it's just normal kitten behaviour im afraid. The baby will be fine

@Charley thank you, yeah it’s a kitten he’s just active I was just worrying as I’m an overthinker and get stressed easily in general about the baby.

Ahh yeah that’s how kittens are, don’t worry your baby will be fine!

Catnip might make him more crazy😅 I’m sorry he’s stressing you out:(

@Jess yeah does sound like normal cat behaviour. my 2 cats are totally fine since my baby arrived (one of my cats is 2 and the other 13). do you have a cat tree? you should get one - it gives your cat a place to climb/sleep/play on their own. amazon do them for a reasonable price x and i know it’s easier said than done but don’t stress! your kitten is just being a kitten, and your baby will be fine!

Awww your kitten is just being a baby :-( good prep for when you have your own baby!!!! Learn to channel your stress - it will actually be good practice for when you have a newborn.

@Hannah hey I don’t have a cat tree as I recently got him but I am going to buy one when I get paid. Thank you

@Francesca I work in childcare aha I know how to deal with children, kittens are different 😂 but Yh I’m trying to learn to deal with the cat atm

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