
Has anyone else suffered with really bad toothache during pregnancy? I’ve been suffering for the last week or so now and it’s got worse the last couple days. I’m taking paracetamol and sometimes that’s not even helping. Struggling to eat too. It’s my molars on the top and bottom of the left side of my face. Should I go dentist and see if they can do anything or just grin and bear it? I have a fear of the dentist already. I’ve always suffered with bad teeth at the back of my mouth since I was a child (genetics). Not sure what to do. Any advice please?🫶🏻
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Definitely call 111 and get a dental appointment. I understand that you're afraid of the dentist, but this is something you're gonna have to do. During pregnancy our teeth and gums become quite vulnerable and susceptible to infections and diseases. You need to get seen

Definitely go get yourself checked. Gum and teeth problems are unfortunately really common in pregnancy because of all the hormones. I didn’t realise this before I was pregnant! But when I was 6 weeks, I developed awful wisdom tooth pain. I was in so much pain I was struggling to open my mouth. I ended up seeing an emergency dentist who prescribed co-amoxiclav (they couldn’t prescribe metronidazole due to the pregnancy). Unfortunately a couple of days later I ended up in a&e as the infection had got worse and I was admitted to hospital for three nights with infection and a locked jaw. I was in so so much pain. Definitely get seen soon. Hope you’re okay. xx

@Lydia my wisdom tooth is half way through… that’s one of the ones that’s hurting, then the 1 before that and then the molar at the top☹️ I’m currently in wales on a weekend away, don’t get back home till tomorrow evening, and then Dentists will be closed Tuesday I’m assuming🫣 x

Tooth pain is normally my first sign that I’m pregnant! They always get really painful and then seem to calm down again. Pregnancy can unfortunately make any existing tooth problems worse and also create new problems. Baby takes literally everything they need from you which can take away from what you need. I’d make a dentist appointment if you can while it’s free, they might not be able to do much but at least you can be reassured that it’s not an infection or anything more sinister x

Hi, I've not had tooth pain but I am a dentist! It sounds like you may have a dental problem that needs looking at ❤️ does anything make it worse?

@Sefa it’s only worse at night time, i have a wisdom tooth that’s been coming through for the last year, at the bottom of my jaw which has only been painful recently, and then the 2 molars Infront of it and then the molar at the top of my mouth on the same side. I’m scared of the dentist xx

If it's affecting your sleep I would definitely get checked out, it won't magically get better and given enough time it will get worse. The worry hormones are not doing your mind or body any good either ❤️ do you have a dentist?

@Sefa I did have one, but I haven’t been in so long I don’t know if they’ll see me x

In which case, I would call NHS 111 first thing in the morning and get an emergency appt somewhere. The earlier you call, the more likely you are to get an appt close to home xx

@Sefa thank you🤍

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