Making discipline or punishment make sense.
My 7 almost 8 year old had MID, so I haven’t had much responsibility put on him that I would if he were a “typical” child. Anyway, I’m saying this because now that his language has developed tremendously and he is older I am catching him in little lies or on him more about cleaning up after himself, safety awareness, following directions without getting distracted. It’s hard bc of his disability but I also believe he is capable of learning the things I am teaching him and be successful at it. I am having a hard to making the purpose of these tasks to make sense. Like he likes a clean area and knows cleaning up is what you’re supposed to do, it’s just not automatic. Where did I go wrong? 😭 I’m trying to be patient and consistent, OMG it’s hard.
Look up the books Raising Human Beings and No Drama Discipline. There’s no need for punishment. Even a typically developing 7-8yo will have issues with cleaning. Heck, even adults have issues with cleaning. Same with following directions. Sometimes it’s executive dysfunction, sometimes it’s just literally not having been taught certain skills. Assume good intention and teach what needs to be taught.