Let me know if you need help
We started non-training (idk what to call it, wasn’t actively trying) at about 13 months with our daughter (she’d follow me to the bathroom so I got her a potty) and she was so used to going with me that by 18 months she was fully potty trained in the daytime but wore pull-ups to bed just in case. We stopped pull-ups before her 2nd bday. My son however, we did the same thing but he’d pee (from about 2) but not poo in the potty consistently until he was 4 and half.
Hi Syeda, I helped potty train my partner’s son. Prior to me my partner and my partner’s mom tried everything including the diapers that get cold when you pee. He was about four when I started. It was relatively simple to establish a routine, but it did take him about three months to pick it up on his own. I put him in pull ups to distinguish between diapers because I had carpet but if I had floor I would’ve used regular underwear. Then I’d set a timer for every thirty minutes. He knows when it goes off, we go try. The exception to this is we try after we finish eating.
I started age 2 and it really didn’t go anywhere. School nursery actually started when he was 3.7 as he started putting his hands in his dirty nappy. Took months for him to say I need to go as we were just catching it.
Just after 3, he got it in 3 days
Much older, we tried at 3, but my son was developmentally delayed he just didn't understand. We worked with OT and pelvic floor physios, but it just didn't happen. we tried many ways normal ways definitely didn't work, and we were working with so many other concerns. Toilet training was sort of least on our list as we knew he wasn't there developmentally (plus being in and out of hospital didn't help with his medical condition), so it was close to 12 years old he was in support class/had his own teachers aide all throughout primary school and we knew he was in good hands. Though it was funny, he was in year 6 going into high school (a special needs high school, so they would have been prepared) and that summer it's just like something finally clicked and he was toilet trained in one day he asked to wear underwear and didn't have an accident just knew when to go to the toilet. It's been 4 years now, and still no accidents.
@Letty can u plz send me helpful tips. I have been workin with my daughter to use the potty but the only way she would is by using the actual toilet instead of a trainin seat. She will use the potty in the morning and at night before bed but only tells me she has to potty if she wants to be changed or if she wants in an area she shouldn't be in. She is 3 1/2 right now. I would just love some tips if u r willing and don't mind.
At 3 . I work in aba and typically called out to help with potty training and just potty trained 4 2-3 year olds last month. And around 2-5 clients ages 2-5 monthly for the past 3 years.