When babies are around 3 months old they typically hit a major growth spurt which can cause them to have a sleep regression so that may be the case with your LO. Their little bodies don’t understand growth spurts so it can be a little bit painful for them so in order to comfort them they rely on the things that they know which are their parents and food. Due to this the sweet baby may also increase food intake to facilitate the body growing more rapidly than usual for her. I know it sucks now but I promise you it will get better.
https://www.newtonbaby.com/blogs/parenting-kids/growth-spurt?psafe_param=1&g_network=&g_productchannel=&g_adid=-6440773661645872565&g_locinterest=&g_keyword=&g_campaign=account&g_adtype=&g_keywordid=&g_ifcreative=&g_locphysical=&g_adgroupid=&g_productid=&g_source=%7Bsourceid%7D&g_merchantid=&g_placement=&g_partition=&g_campaignid=&g_acctid=587-693-3702&g_ifproduct=&adlclid=ADL-11a87fc7-5f0e-4267-a43a-3d162b74ca1d&g_acctid=587-693-3702&g_adgroupid=114182695861&g_adid=675523416659&g_adtype=search&g_campaign=NX_NTM_Search_Dynamic+Search+Ad_Blog&g_campaignid=12255637624&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=dsa-791671687670&g_network=g&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADis-F1u2_6Qqel3dAEt_sEWrU3qd&gclid=CjwKCAiAjp-7BhBZEiwAmh9rBZupxn3EX79D9VQvP7kIWKxaACOCM-Cj7d-9pzOBagPLfkV9uKNkehoCEBIQAvD_BwE This link can give you more information on when to expect growth spurts and how to notice them
I was going through a similar situation. I just gave her an extra 3 ounces (normally drinks 5) and she was soo content afterwards
It sounds like maybe she’s trying to cluster feed, has she done that before? Whenever I can’t put baby down I put him in my wrap and wear him to stay near but keep my hands free. If you can do that, it may soothe her a bit. Another good thing to do is water or fresh air to distract her - shower, bath, or a walk outside can sometimes help. If you need a break, call someone to help and take that break. 💕 this will pass soon, mama. You got this.