My son is the same all he wants is plain pasta for dinner and tea everyday 😫
I follow this nutritionist, took on board all of her advice and my daughter loves food. She will decline some items but we have one meal, altogether and if she won’t eat it, then she doesn’t have a second option as otherwise she is dictating what she wants. Also if they don’t eat something the first time, keep trying as it can take up to 20 times before they accept a new food.
Our LG is going through a phase of only eating pasta with a bit of cheese at home. I say at home as she eats everything at nursery and when she is with her grandparents.
Thank you all for responding. Glad to know I’m not alone.
My son who’s 5 has the same few dinners he likes and all the professional has told me even if it’s not got any veg or anything as long as he’s eating that’s all that matters. If even it means cooking a different meal from everyone