My LO has bad reflux since birth and Kendamil comfort has really helped. She was originally on organic. X
Thanks all. How’s it going @Kate ?
@Gemma the hipp was a disaster! She reacted much worse than the Kendamil, so switched back to the organic. We actually just picked up an infant gaviscon prescription today, so fingers crossed this helps! If it doesn’t they are going to look at potentially a cows milk allergy. What did help symptoms but didn’t solve before the gaviscon was infacol before every feed and gripe water after.
@KateAww poor thing! Fingers crossed for the Gaviscon! And that’s interesting about Infacol and gripe though!
@Gemma the gaviscon has been a hugeeee improvement ! No more screaming after she drinks and arched back. Hoping it continues!
I literally just posted about this!!! Was thinking of trying Hipp as she is just not tolerating it after 3 months and trying EVERYTHING. I was going to start with the regular Hipp before going to the reflux and see if it helps that it’s less rich.