But i put a thermometer in my bath so adding bubbles isn't going to raise the temp of the water. But I get the whole thing about the ph balance. X
I had bubble baths the whole time during my first pregnancy 🤷♀️ didn’t realise you weren’t supposed to 😂I never had an issue
I don't use bb or any sort of radox bath foam just a standard 37.5-38 degree bath it's warm enough and relaxing enough like that stick a few candles on and no difference if anything water stays warmer longer as bubbles are cold lol
@Bonnie I was the same as you! X
I had baths with bubbles and bath bombs all through my last pregnancy. No issues at all. Just keep the temp down. I would suggest getting some lavender essential oil for after birth though, it was recommended by my midwife and worked wonders on my stitches
OB’s strongly advise against it since bubble baths increase your risk of getting an infection such as a UTI especially pregnant because your immunity is so low and your hormones are shifting your ph balance-bubbles can shift the ph even more. Another reason which is also the reason they do not want you in hot tubs is because the temperature is too hot and can harm the baby by overheating. Hope this helps!💕