@Laura oh gosh really?! Did he drop it naturally or after an illness? I was wondering when mine starts nursery if he’ll want what the others have 😂 Mine isn’t fantastic with water either.. he drinks it’s but not Oz and Oz
We've had conjunctivitis followed by a viral cold thing which knocked the bottles a bit but he started dropping his bottles before he got ill and has picked them back up after getting better. I just follow him. If he wants one I'll give him one, sometimes he only takes 3oz others he'll take a full 6 or 7oz
@Laura I’ve been doing similar and offering a bottle but when I actually really looked today I was shocked at how little he’d drank. Thank you for your reply
100% the same here. We were on 4 x 7oz bottles. Since he had a bad cold and didn’t have much milk for 2 weeks he barely wants any now. We’re kinda on 3 x 4oz bottles. Just make sure they are having calcium sources and go with the flow. It’s about time to drop formula soon x
I've been lucky to get 10oz down my son for the past month 😳 the last few days he's been having more but only because the nursery give a bottle to another child, he sees it and wants one too 😅