Big baby

So my baby boy is 15 weeks now and he weighs 8.9 kg (19.6 pounds) and he's on 98/99th percentile weight and height wise, 95th in head circumference. Currently wearing nappies size 4. Since birth he's gained weight like crazy, he never lost weight after birth and gained 1.5 kg in the first 2 weeks. I'm happy he's growing well, but I feel like whenever I met other moms and I try to make friends, after they see him and knows how old is he and how big he is they shut down and don't want to talk with me anymore. I had a situation 2 weeks ago that made me really sad, we've been in the arcade playing pool and some lady with a baby kept looking into our direction smiling like she wanted to talk. We finally caught eyes and came closer to start speaking with babies. She said her son is 1 year 5 months old and how old is mine, I said 3 months. She was shocked at how big is he and ask how much he weighs, I said how much and she said her son weighs that much, she looked shocked and a bit like scared? She said she need to go play and didn't look into my direction once after, like she was avoiding eye contact. I felt super excluded, like it's not my fault my baby is so big, so far I didn't make any mom friends after he was born and I'm scared he'll not have any friends either cause of his size. Does anyone have/has a similar issue?
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Fellow huge baby over here 🤣 Definitely feel judged by people all the time and at baby groups I've had the constant comparisons where my baby is bigger / heavier / in bigger nappies etc than babies much older...but I don't let it bother me. It used to stress me out as if I'd done something wrong but he is the size he is and nothing is gonna change it! X

I’m surprised that’s the reaction you’ve had. I can’t think of a single Mum who would judge you or your baby about something like that. Do you think you might be projecting? I’m not saying that they want to be friends, we can’t all get along with everyone, but not for that reason.

My boy is huge too. He’s in 6-9 clothing already. He was born on 6th September. Everyone that sees him goes “awhh how old” and I’m like “3 months😭” they ALL go “3 months?!?” And I always respond “ I know I know he looks atleast 6 months doesn’t he” and I always just laugh about it. Looks even funnier cos I’m only tiny so I’m just holding this absolute beast nearly the same size of me haha x

I have similar but woth small babies ahha!

@Ellie exactly the same as mine! He was born on 30th sept and he’s in 6-9 month clothes already 😂 everybody always comments on how big he is for his age, he looks about 6 months too and I’m only tiny aswell 😂 don’t know how my back is going to cope! Xx

We seemed to use 3-6 months for about a week only!

I’m so sorry you have been having this reaction. I also have quite a big baby who is 16lb 11oz. People make comments about him being the size of a 6 month old etc. I try to feel proud instead because I grew him and he is healthy. They all come in different shapes and sizes and we need to embrace their individuality. People who behave like the way you describe are not your people is what I would say!

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