I used to wax all the time and now I just shave because I don’t have the time for apts. honestly I wouldn’t wax now because the first few times is the most painful. I know hormones can make it worse (like around period) so I’m thinking pregnancy hormones might make it hurt more. But if you are going to do it I suggest finding an esthetician that does sugar waxing because it hurts less and less risk of ingrown hairs because of the way it grips the hair and doesn’t break it like wax strips do.
Also if you are worried about hair because of hospital staff- don’t. They know what the human body is supposed to look like and do not care one bit- they care about you & the baby.
Try sugaring… it’s like wax but better for your skin, more gentle and also exfoliates 🙌🏾
I wax but I would not recommend your first wax being during pregnancy. I’ve personally found you’re more sensitive and it hurts more.
@Renee what's the maintenance like?
I used to wax but found sugaring more tolerable. But when I was only like a month into my first trimester it was like she (my main tech) was ripping my entire skin off, the worst pain of my life. I haven't seen her back since and started laser hair after giving birth 🥲
You’re a lot more sensitive so if you haven’t waxed I wouldn’t bother. If you can just try trim it, midwife’s said they do not care how hairy you are only that you’re clean and there’s no lice/bugs down there 🤢
I normally wax but when I was heavily pregnant I literally lost the will! Had no energy to shave let alone wax. Midwives/drs do not care and it’s really the last thing on your mind! 🙏
I used to get waxed all the time; but when I was pregnant the pain of waxing was next level due to increased blood flow and sensitivity down there. I went back to hair removal cream and a mirror 😅
Do not get your first ever wax in third trimester!!! It will hurt so much! You’re much more sensitive during pregnancy and if you’ve been usually shaving those hairs will be strong. Get your OH to shave you or just don’t bother, midwives really don’t care
@Violeta💕 it depends on the person. At first I think the treatments were every other week. I might go in about once a year and get zapped again now. Didn’t have to do anything the whole time I was pregnant. Between the convenience and time back from less shower time it’s worth it. No more ingrowns or razor burn. And you also end up saving money in about a year as you’re not spending on shaving or wax supplies.
I shaved pre pregnancy and I started waxing around 20 weeks right up till birth and once after c section at 6 weeks and then I went back to shaving just for cost reasons x
Thank you ladies for your feedback! I had laser treatment (around 14/15 sessions - damn that’s a lot of money down the drain!) and pre pregnancy I only shaved maybe once every 2/3 weeks but since being pregnant, I’m guessing with all the vitamins, the hairs have been growing so much and so fast and in ALL the places I’ve lasered previously lol. So I need to shave every other day or 3 days if I can rustle up the energy. I was thinking to wax because obviously trying to shave while 7 months pregnant… it’s near enough impossible for a clean shave down there 😓
I personally really didn’t care about hair but each of their own I’ve been waxed in the past as soon as your pants are off and your lay down and chatting you really don’t care anymore you just enjoy the experience chatting away. It doesn’t hurt much.