@Kinza can I ask what medicine that is?
I think that is not avilable on over the counter..
That will be given by GP prescription only..
Have you tried bed sharing? During awful nights that’s the only thing that helps me get any sleep x
@Julia its a good option too
Is he crying that badly in your arms or in the cot? Is he teething or getting sick do you think? I understand how hard it is not to get angry. Do you have a partner or anyone to help? I would 100% cosleep so you can both sleep
I agree with the other ladies, when mine was much younger, he wouldn’t sleep alone laid flat in his cot due to breathing difficulties he had at birth, co-sleeping saved me from losing my mind. I’d definitely recommend this until he started to sleep better through the night. Also, is it possible he’s got reflux, hence the screaming and then throwing up, if so, he most definitely would feel uncomfortable being laid flat to sleep on his own and might be the reason he refused the milk after the sickness episode? I know we can’t have all the answers but I hope this helps and you find what works best for you. Stay strong mama❤️
Thanks everyone, we do currently co sleep as he won’t sleep in his cot anyway. My partner tries to help but he can’t get him to sleep so he wakes up even more if he tries. Honestly at a loss of what to do nothing seems to work. He’ll stop crying if I get out of bed and rock him back to sleep but it makes me so exhausted doing that 5-10 times a night
Usually cosleeping is the ultimate thing that stops them crying, since he is still crying even beside you I would rule out any red flags for teething or illness etc
you could try posting in this Facebook group or look at some of the posts on there ☺️
When my boys eczema flares up we give him piriton before bed (with the dual help of sometimes helping sleep) - you can get over the counter at boots https://www.boots.com/boots-allergy-relief-1-year-plus-antihistamine-2mg-5ml-syrup-10076471?srsltid=AfmBOooSHnqJnMxRyzfu9Lmnx9OVzteYH849j0z9kvsZblvTEPPgDTTz
It does sound like acid if you have to get both of you up out of bed and rocking to sleep. Piriton or something from the GP for the eczema could help by the sounds of it too. Sometimes it's so grim when you're sleep deprived you can't see the pattern.
Agree also see the GP for some decent steroid cream for the eczema, often the hydrocortisone otc just doesn’t cut it
Trusted by 5M+ women
Trusted by 5M+ women
Made a world of difference for us
@Tor we’ve tried 3 different steroid creams they all work for a week then it goes back to how it was. Still waiting on a dermatologist appointment
Yes we were referred and saw a dermatologist for a decent steroid plan and also good supply of emollients and a patch test (turns out eggs were worsening the eczema also). Hopefully your appt comes through soon!
Last week i visited GP my baby has very bad itching , she also cant sleep whole night.. So the GP gv me the sleeping syrup which helps her to sleep better and long .. nd improves her itching I myself got crzay by waking up whole night..