Sterifeed Bottles

Just found out that the purple lidded sterifeed bottles that we used with the hospital pump are actually single use only!! I have just ordered the white lidded ones which are reusable. Did anyone else not realise this? We have been using them for the last 5 weeks and sterilising after every use, not had any issues. Are there any risks to using the "single use" purple lid ones?
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I think we watched the same tik tok 😅 I’ve had both the purple and the white ones and they feel exactly the same I think the single use part only applies to the hospital

@Sarah yes I saw it on tiktok. Have you continued using them? On amazon it does say disposable x

I only realised on my second baby 😭🤦🏿‍♀️ but I used them for a year with my first. I feel so bad. What does the tik tok say 👀

@Charlotte I still use them until the lids broke and now use the medela bottles but honestly i thought it was kinda wasteful in a home setting to only use them once they are made out of the same material as the white lid ones

@Sarah yeah it seems so silly x


@Charlotte thanks! Maybe it’s because the purple lidded ones come already sterile and packaged singularly. Whereas the white lidded ones come in one packet and you have to wash and sterilise before the first use.

I’m abit out the loop as I was EP nearly 3 years ago but pregnant and going to again! I done exactly the same a reused them, I’m pretty sure it’s purely for hospital purposes the one use (as they’re from/for hospital) so it’s to ensure a hospital doesn’t reuse! I can’t remember where I heard it from but I remember questioning it myself x

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