@Libby does this only take effect after a dye stealer?
Some women never get dye stealers. I've had 3 babies trying for #4 . Once I got a positive test, I never tested a second or 3rd time as it causes too much stress, I have a bicornate uterus ( basically a double uterus) so it's stressful enough. Try not too stress yourself out. Take it easy you have perfect lines. Just take things easy and 1 day at a time. Not everyone's hcg doubles or tripples like most, you may just be a slow starter.
What ended up happening?
@Mariah I'm 6 weeks and 3 days and I've gotten a dye stealer with my test so have stopped testing now. Have my dating scan next week 🤞
Test looks good but they won't stay dark for much longer as they hook effect will take over in urine pretty quickly