Hello, I posted a few weeks about asking a question about my ovulation test which came back positive but my ap was telling me I ovulated a week before. Anyway long story short, I ended up getting pregnant. I took a pregnancy test on the 20th of Dec, and went to get my bloods done as I had miscarriage earlier this year so wanted to check. When I miscarriaged my hcg came back a 26 at 7 weeks and I miscarriaged 3 days after. My doctor called me with my results today and said my hcg is at 25 and proceeded to say its very low for where you are (5 weeks) which got me worried, she told me to take another pregnancy test to see if the line is getting darker. I took another one this evening and its a little bit darker. Does anyone have experience of having low hcg but have a successful pregnancy? Pic for reference top one was taken on 20th Dec, bottom was taken on 23rd (today)
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Test looks good but they won't stay dark for much longer as they hook effect will take over in urine pretty quickly

@Libby does this only take effect after a dye stealer?

Some women never get dye stealers. I've had 3 babies trying for #4 . Once I got a positive test, I never tested a second or 3rd time as it causes too much stress, I have a bicornate uterus ( basically a double uterus) so it's stressful enough. Try not too stress yourself out. Take it easy you have perfect lines. Just take things easy and 1 day at a time. Not everyone's hcg doubles or tripples like most, you may just be a slow starter.

What ended up happening?

@Mariah I'm 6 weeks and 3 days and I've gotten a dye stealer with my test so have stopped testing now. Have my dating scan next week 🤞

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