I need a big vent
- am I the asshole
- my sister came to stay with me for a bit before.. moving to uni.
- she didn't really contribute to much.... or at all in the house for the two months & even tried justifying not washing up? Taking the bins out by saying it was me and my toddlers stuff . Mind you I work , study , clean everything all I asked was.. if I'm not in.. wash up after yourselves..
Anyway fast forward today
We had a massive fight.. infront of my toddler.. and I kicked her out
She made a comment that I felt was insensitive to me as someone who has gone through..reactive abuse & she was saying as a 2nd yr student of psychology.. her teacher has taught her what abuse is... and I explained the idea of what abuse is.. needs to include all forms of abuse and we should name and label them... so we know what different forms of abuse is..
And she started saying she doesn't like taking to me.. or having to engage with me
And I asked her to leave my house if she feels like that.. and it got messy
And idk
She's been at mine not contributed to anything... like nothing ? I am the one to cook clean pay for all activities whilst out.. pay for everything in the house
And even at the point she was "baby sitting"
- she was - on phone the whole time
- asleep and didn't feed my lo or tend to him for a while
& I think this is what made me snap..
But am I the dick
Sorry if it doesn't make sense
No you’re not the dick here - it’s your place! Nothing in this world is free anymore , so by you kicking her out due to inability to contribute in any form is grounds for removal family or not. Try not to let her get into your head as much as it may hurt.