@Lana if they pushed your legs back forcefully then that definitely did it. I had about 300lbs+ of weight of me on both sides. I had 3 nurses on my right and 3 on my left pushing my legs. Mind you I’m 5ft 175 lbs🥹🥴
Sounds like how you feel after you have a baby. Especially after an epidural.
I had the same exact, the pushing and the holding down but I’m 5’8. When they were pushing on me, you obviously don’t know what’s happening in the moment or why they’re doing it, but I started pushing back on the nurse to my immediate right so hard. She stopped and said “ow, you’re hurting me!” then repositioned my hand on her. Lol like uh what? I’m literally being held down by 6 of you. I was completely unmedicated and induced, I had no epidural and no pain meds so I felt every single thing going on.
I didn’t realize what was happening until it was over. I had an epidural so I was numb. But when it wore off I was practically immobile and still am 8 weeks later. @Lana
My baby had shoulder dystocia too - I’ve been having spine and hip pain, not horrible but I didn’t think to tie that together. Today carrying my baby, my hips and spine are killing me. I feel like I can’t keep my back up straight at all. I’m only 7w PP, hopefully it’ll heal with time. I hope you get some relief soon, can’t imagine how much pain you’re in if pain meds are barely touching it