Cervical checks

Who’s had cervical checks done and how far along are you? Are you dilated or effaced? Station?
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FTM. None done yet but also no signs of baby preparing

37 weeks today and i've had two cervical checks done. Both times i've been at 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced.

38 weeks and I’ve had 2. first last week I was 1cm and no effacement, today I was 2cm and 40-50% effaced

Wk 37 - 0 cm dilated, wk 38 - 1 cm dilated, wk 39 - 1 cm dilated, 0% effaced

I just had mine today and I’m 35w 3days and I’m 0cm dilated, 50% effaced

I did at my 36 week appointment. I was 1.5 cm dilated. I don't know if she said effacement, but if she did I didn't hear it.

I’m 36 weeks and I’m having loads of contractions but no dilation

I got checked at 36 and 37 weeks. Both times 2cm dilated, 50% effaced, and -1 station (2nd bb)

Got re checked I’m 1cm @36 weeks. I’m soft but not sure if I’m effaced.

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