I’ve noticed that sometimes it’s the position they’re in as well that makes it so much worse! If my LO is sitting whilst pooping it will go EVERYWHEREEE! But when I notice his pooping, I try hold him up to stand up and there’s no blowouts and much cleaner and confined to the backside 😂 You may already be doing this but pulling out the sides/frills of the nappies also helps keep blowouts in.
I certainly am doing it. It's just the morning poop whilst I'm still asleep. He moves so much after pooping so I thought it might be that but when he starts walking then poop will be everywhere if I don't realise soon enough that he's pooped! Not to mention when I try changing him that poop goes everywhere in his body because he won't stay still 😂
I use cloth and the ones I use tend up hold everything in pretty well.... I use towels under motherease airflow wrap. Not saying cloth is the answer but you could put a wrap over a disposable and I think this would help keep everything contained
@Cat I've heard some nurseries do that, put wraps over disposables and it helps keep the poo in. We have reusables, but all in ones, and we can't figure the fit out, they always seem to leak wee.
We had the same and have been using pampers nappy pants and so far so good
I hate Pampers, they’re crap! Sainsbury’s own tried and tested in two kids! Swear by them
We also always have blowouts 🤷🏼♀️ especially in the car seat