Just keep offering. Try other soft foods like avocados, tomatos, mashed potatos, oatmeal, yogurt, smoothies, smashed peas, and the like.
Could you mix other foods with banana or milk?
You're supposed to do veggies first as they are bitter
@Deborah You don't ever mix milk or anything with purees
Mix a little bit into the food she likes, then slowly add more each time then less of the banana until it’s JUST the new food
It took my son some time. Keep offering different foods in different ways.
There is also no right way to wean. Your little one will get there when she is ready.
Offer in different forms, with only a few pieces of what ever. Offer with a familiar safe food . Also if you are still nursing, eat the foods you want her to eat. Eat bitter foods. Offer steamed veggies with dip. The secret is in the sauce lol that’s how we get our boy to eat lots of things because it makes it fun, either buy ketchup or something or offer yogurt to dip in, make ranch out of blended cottage cheese. Make it fun idk 🤷🏻♀️
Supposed to start with the savoury stuff x