Need support!

TW: TTC, negative tests I need support/positive energy sent my way. We are ttc baby #2. With baby #1, we weren’t trying (nor preventing! If ya know what I mean..) I got pregnant right at a year after taking out my Mirena iud. Unsure if this would be the case this go around, we waited until August of this year(we wanted my son to be two by the time baby #2 would arrive) to remove my recent iud and try. Well, every month I track ovulation, we baby dance especially on fertile days, I am taking zero prescription medications, I’m on a prenatal vitamin and we tried the mucinex method. I know others struggle with infertility and it’s a touchy subject, but doing everything “by the book” and having 4 failed cycles is horrible. I want my son to grow up with a little friend and not have them be too far apart that they can’t play. Got my period this morning and this one is just really hard for me. Any advice that helped you go through something similar is appreciated!
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Not exactly the same but we have also been trying since August after I took out my IUD, in May. I'm supposed to get my period in a week or so and have been only getting negative tests so far ☹️

@Natalia it is sooo hard! :(

It really is :( you said tracking ovulation. Are you taking LH tests?


I did just find out yesterday I have antiphospholipid syndrome, going to discuss next steps with obgyn in Jan so fingers crossed

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