Its a struggle for us too. He wants more independence and sometimes opens his mouth if the spoon is in his hand even if I'm holding his hand to guide it. Even if he shook his head no shutting mouth just 10 seconds earlier when I tried to feed him with my spoon from my bowl! I got a suction bowl that stays on the high chair tray to help him learn with the spoon. Finger food he likes to self feed too but he also got v picky and loves banana and sweetcorn but not much else He only eats from adult teaspoons not baby spoons he wants to use what we are using. He also liked when I put my own porridge bowl on his tray but I was nervous of him breaking the bowl!
Our little one is the same he point blank refuses to try fruit so the only fruit he’s getting is in pouches or smoothies 🙄 I’ve started giving him 5mls of multivitamins in his bedtime bottle and figured it’ll come with time!
My 14 month old is exactly the same! My HV recommended offering nutrient dense/high calorie food as she has dropped to the 9th centile. She’s just not a foodie yet! I’ve found avocado to be a good food to give her as she’ll eat a slice or two and I know it’s full of vitamins and good fats 😊 xx