Oh and mine has always been like mini vomit , like more than just some spit up
@Elle ah good to hear I am not the only one. Lactation consultants even say breastfed babies don’t need burping, so not sure how I feel about that. So no one suspected fast letdown for you?
Hey, yes this is us! I have always been worried about this but everyone (midwives, husband, female fam members) keep telling me it is ok and normal. But she us 9 weeks and defo brings the milk up more now multiple times a day, either smooth or frothy, little or a large amount 🙈😵💫😵💫
@Gabi do you suspect fast let down also? I fed him sitting on my lap today the laid back position and he had much less sick coming out. I am thinking at this stage they have an increased appetite and couple that with a potential fast let down - maybe that’s the reason… But it’s not ideal to do laid back position all the time imo. I really do hope he grows out of it sooner than later cause I find it somewhat distressing and find that sadly takes a bit away from my breastfeeding experience…
No idea on let down. I honestly don't think I got much of a let down. I think she eats more so naturally what her stomach doesn't digest, she throws up 👀
Same situation here :(
@Gabi how long do you feed her for on average? Do you usually give both boobs? I see others say that their feeds are getting shorter but not with us - usually around 30-40 mins total
Our LO is the same and is almost 11 weeks, sometimes it’s spit up but sometimes also mini vomit….can be normal as their stomachs develop. My niece also had the same (she’s now 18months) and the sick only really stopped when weaning starts.
Mine isn’t getting worse but yes the spit up for us has always been worse after boob!!! When he has bottles of formula or expressed, he has some reflux but not loads. But when he comes off the boob it’s ridiculous . We’ve had this since day 1 HV and midwives etc thought it was really weird lol. I don’t rly breastfeed any more and that was one of many reasons (exclusively pump now)