@Natalie my appointment is not scheduled now anytime near. What should I do then
I'm pretty sure you can only get it at your midwife appointment :(
Call up your hospital and ask if it can be organised and you can pick it up or something?
@Ooshita how far along are you? I wasn’t given it at my 20 week appointment so I now need to wait for my 25 week appointment. If you’re further along I’d suggest giving the midwife a call maybe x
I think it's usually issued at 28 weeks appt. However, if you need it earlier, you can go to the hospital where you're registered and discuss with them. I had to get mine earlier because I was travelling out of the UK on a long trip and so inwas issued around 26 weeks or so.
Okay, so there is some conflicting info in these comments, so to clarify: You’re entitled to it from 20 weeks. Some people get it at their 20W scan but that’s not universal and most commonly women will be given it at their 25W midwife appointment. That seems to be more the standard. If you need it sooner than that, then you need to ring your midwife (or your GP if your midwife is attached to the surgery) and let them know and they’ll either leave it at the desk for you or ask you to pop in one morning so they can fill it out. Takes five minutes
I got mine during my 25 week midwife appointment xx
The midwife
Have you also got access to Maternity Notes online ? I do and got my prescription entitlement through there so might be worth have a look ?
I waited until my 25 weeks appointment and was offered it. My sister in law needed hers a bit earlier and popped down to the midwife office and was given it. The hospital itself wouldn’t do it, but they have a separate midwife hub, so depends on your provider. They can’t issue it until after 20 weeks though I think.
I got it from my GP x
I got mine at my 25 week midwife appointment xx
They legally cannot give it to you before 20 weeks so just depends on when your midwife appointment falls. If you need it before they should be able to provide if you call them post 20 weeks
I went into my sure start and asked for it and she did it for the next day
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I just rang my antenatal clinic and they sorted one out for me and I went to pick it up, I needed it at 22 weeks so couldn’t wait for my 25 week midwife appointment and forgot at my 20 week scan x
@Emily which antenatal clinic you are registered in?
@Ooshita East Lancashire x
Ask at your next midwife appointment, I called my doctors surgery and they said they could give it to me. Only to get there and then tell me they can give me the form only but the midwife will need to fill it out before it can be used 🤣x